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Providing Answers, Support and Hope in the Southeastern US

Making a planned gift to the Lupus Foundation of America, Florida Region is a special way to support our mission -- to find the causes of and cure for lupus and provide support and services to all people affected by lupus. A planned gift allows you to donate assets, yet defer the time we actually receive them.

The best gift plans improve your financial and tax situation, often right away. We understand that your own financial needs and those of your family come first. We encourage you to explore the possibilities and opportunities for creative gift planning.

Wills and Bequests

You can support the LFA mission beyond your lifetime by including a bequest to the LFA in your will. A bequest to the Lupus Foundation of America, Florida Region is fully deductible for estate tax purposes. You may bequest cash, property or appreciated securities. You need an attorney to help you draw up a will that will meet legal requirements. Ask your attorney, accountant or tax advisor about ways to reduce or eliminate estate taxes.

You can use the following language to make a bequest to the LFA.

If you plan to make a restricted gift for a specific purpose, please contact us to make certain the organization can meet the conditions you specify. Call 1-561-279-8606, or email our Regional Director, Amy Yalden 

Charitable Trusts

Donors can increase the return on their investment while maintaining control over their assets by establishing a charitable remainder trust. There are two types of charitable remainder trusts, an annuity trust which pays a fixed amount each year, and a unitrust which pays a fixed percentage of the trust's assets as re-valued each year.

You receive an income tax deduction in the year you create the trust based on tables established by the U.S Treasury Department. The charitable reminder trust pays no gain on the sale of the donated securities. However, a portion of the income from the trust may be taxed as capital gains.

For additional information, contact the LFA by calling 1-561-279-8606, or by emailing 

Legacy Gift

Why Should I Make a Legacy Gift to the Lupus Foundation of America?

  • To support LFA’s national research program, Bringing Down the Barriers, to advance the science and medicine of lupus to speed discovery and development of new treatments for people with lupus, and to help realize LFA's goal to raise significant dollars for research to find the causes of and the cure for this devastating disease.
  • To underscore your care and compassion for individuals with lupus -- a loved one or a friend -- and demonstrate your intent to take action to bring an end to the suffering caused by the disease.
  • To provide vital annual support to expand LFA’s many educational, advocacy and public awareness programs and services to people with lupus in the United States.
  • To make a difference in the lives of those who suffer with lupus. Your legacy gift, whatever amount, will help LFA to realize its mission.

You can trust that your legacy gift will help LFA meet the ever increasing needs of those we serve now and in the future. You will have the satisfaction of truly making a difference in the lives of others.

Donating Stock and Other Appreciated Securities

Donating a charitable gift of stock or other appreciated securities is a great way to improve the lives of a loved one with lupus, and receive an end-of-the-year tax break.

Life Insurance

Naming the Lupus Foundation of America, Florida Region as the sole or partial beneficiary of your life insurance may allow you to make a substantial gift at little or no cost to you.