Providing Answers, Support and Hope in Kansas, Missouri, and Central & Southern Illinois
Information About Lupus
Check out our Lupus Resource Library and search by topic or audience.
Watch Recorded Programs and Webinars on YouTube
Did you miss a recent education program or webinar? Go to our YouTube Channel and watch what you missed.
Find a Rheumatologist
Find a Rheumatologist database is made available by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) as an informational resource for patients and caregivers.
Heartland Chapter Community Resources
Check out the most requested community resources we receive.
Resources for Community Health Workers
If you are a Community Health Worker in Missouri, Kansas or Southern & Central Illinois, we have complied helpful resources to assist you.
Lupus Symptom Checklist
With lupus, every symptom matters. This checklist can help you keep track of symptoms and communicate about them to your doctor.