Anifrolumab (SAPHNELO®) Added to Standard Therapy May be Safe Option for Active Lupus Nephritis Treatment
Previous research has tested the safety and efficacy of anifrolumab (Saphnelo®) in those with active lupus nephritis, (LN, lupus-related kidney disease). In a second year extension of a randomized phase II trial, Treatment of Uncontrolled Lupus via the Interferon Pathway (TULIP)-LN, new research indicates anifrolumab IR (intensified regimen) dosing added to standard therapy may be safe and effective for people with active LN.
In the TULIP-LN study, of 147 total participants, 101 completed the first year, and 75 continued into year 2 of the study. The 75 year 2 participants were administered 900 mg of anifrolumab for the first three doses, then were randomly selected to receive 300mg of anifrolumab IR, 300 mg of anifrolumab BR (basic regimen), or placebo every 4 weeks. All participants in year 2 also received the standard lupus therapies (oral glucocorticoids and mycophenolate mofetil) throughout the study. Efficacy was assessed at week 104, focusing on safety and tolerability of long-term anifrolumab use. Those on the anifrolumab IR dosing regimen attained complete renal response at the end of the period, suggesting that supplementing standard treatment with anifrolumab provides a safe and tolerable form of treatment for those with active LN.
With these promising findings, a phase III IRIS study is underway to assess the efficacy of anifrolumab intensified dosing in people with active, proliferative LN. Continue to follow the Lupus Foundation of America for updates and learn more about medications used to treat lupus.

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