Our Impact on Lupus Research
We have been funding lupus research for more than 40 years.
Grants we awarded decades ago supported the careers of investigators who today are the key opinion leaders in the field. Their research stimulated many of the breakthroughs in lupus that are contributing to greater survival rates and improved quality of life for people with lupus.
The research we supported has made many contributions to the way lupus is diagnosed, treated and managed, including:
Early research that led to the first diagnostic test that provides a faster and more accurate diagnosis
New tool to monitor lupus disease activity that incorporates the patient’s perspective
De-risking lupus clinical trials by understanding the impact standard-of-care medication have on outcomes
Collaborating with the U.S. FDA to ensure lupus patients' voices are heard in the drug development process
Created global consensus recommendations among key opinion leaders in lupus to improve clinical trial outcomes
Identified specific risk factors for cardiovascular disease in African American women with lupus
Discovered biomarkers that can identify people at higher risk for developing lupus kidney disease
Provided data showing people with lupus are more susceptible to bone fractures
Identified cognitive issues in lupus and its relationship to employment and disability
Demonstrated that most women with lupus can become pregnant safely and deliver healthy babies
Setting the research agenda to identify and address pressing needs in children and teens
Advocating for Research
We lead the only nationwide army of lupus advocates who educate our elected officials on the needs of our community.
Our government relations team is on Capital Hill daily fighting for you, bringing more attention and resources to end lupus. Our advocacy accomplishments include:

You can play an important role in getting out the word, supporting the cause, and working with us to end lupus.