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Make Your Miles Matter in The City of Your Choice

Race to End Lupus Wherever You Choose

Join Team Make Your Mark's Choose Your Own Race option and Make Your Miles Matter in the fight against lupus at any race you choose!

Choose Your Own Race

Already registered for an in-person or virtual half marathon, marathon, triathlon or cycling event? Have another endurance goal in mind? The Choose Your Own Race option of Team Make Your Mark™ is a way to take an event you're already participating in or a goal you've been striving to achieve and turn it into something bigger- something personal, charitable and greater than yourself. 

When You Do, You Will Receive:


  • A personal fundraising page and assistance from a fundraising coach 
  • Access to Team Make Your Mark materials and fundraising tips
  • Training assistance from our team run/walk coach or cycling/ triathlon coach 
  • Your own Team Make Your Mark race day jersey and finishers pin ($500 minimum fundraising required to receive these benefits)
  • Earn prizes while you fundraise- Raise $250 or more and earn  fabulous swag  to wear and use proudly throughout your training

Register Now

Have more questions? Send an email to Stacey Clark at  and let us know how we can help you get started.


Race Day Jersey

Raise $500 or more at least 1 week before race day and receive a Team Make Your Mark jersey in time for your race or challenge!

Fundraising Incentives

Earn fundraising prizes along the way starting with a training shirt when you raise $250!

Finishers pin

Raise $500, complete your race or challenge, and receive an official Team Make Your Mark finishers pin.

Team Make Your Mark Toolkit
Sample Social Media Posts

Help raise lupus awareness during your Team Make Your Mark training by sharing your story. Here is some inspiration to get you started. 

Don't forget to personalize your posts by including your fundraising link, information about the event you’re participating in and why, and encourage donations to help you reach your goal to end lupus!

Facebook/ Instagram

  • I am proud to announce that I will be running/ biking/ hiking/ swimming the (name of race/ event/ challenge and distance) to help end lupus for the @Lupus Foundation of America (Add 1-2 lines about your connection to lupus). Check out my page and help me reach my goal [Include link to Team Make Your Mark personal fundraising page}
  • (Distance ie.half marathon prep has begun! I'm running/walking/biking/swimming the (name of event) for the @Lupus Foundation of America and making my miles matter in the mission to end lupus in honor of (include connection). Please help me reach my fundraising goal! [Include link to Team Make Your Mark personal fundraising page]
  • Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks healthy tissue and organs, instead of just fighting off germs it's supposed to. An estimated 1.5 million Americans have lupus including (include personal connection). That's why I will be running/biking/hiking/swimming (name of event and distance) for @lupusorg's Team Make Your Mark! Help me reach my goal! [Include link to your Team Make Your Mark personal fundraising page]
  • DYK it takes an average of 6 years for someone to receive a correct diagnosis of lupus from when they first notice symptoms? We need more research to help reduce the time of diagnosis, find better treatments and a cure! That's why I'm helping to raise lupus awareness by running/walking/biking/hiking/swimming (name of event and distance). Learn more at
  • I completed the (name of event/race/challenge and distance) for @Lupus Foundation of America's Team Make Your Mark to raise awareness for lupus in honor of [connection] and the 1.5 million Americans who suffer from lupus. Join me in supporting the millions of lupus warriors around the world by getting involved in the fight against lupus-it's not too late to donate to my page! [Include link to your personal fundraising page]


  • I am proud to announce that I will be running/biking/hiking/swimming (name of race/event/challenge and distance) to help end #lupus with the #teammakeyourmark for (Add your connection lupus/why you are taking on the challenge). [Include link to your Team Make Your Mark personal fundraising page].
  • (Distance ie. half marathon) prep has begun! I'm running/walking/biking/swimming the (name of event) with @lupusorg's #TeamMakeYourMark to make my miles matter in the mission to end #lupus in honor of (include connection). Please help me reach my fundraising goal! [Include link to Team Make Your Mark personal fundraising page]
  • #DYK it takes 6 years to receive an accurate #lupus diagnosis? @lupusorg is committed to reducing the time to diagnosis. That's why I'm helping to raise lupus awareness by running/biking/hiking/ swimming (name of event and distance). [Include link to your Team Make Your Mark personal fundraising page].
  • Did you know that #lupus impacts approximately 1.5 million Americans and has no cure? That's why I will be running/biking/hiking/swimming (name of event and distance) for @lupusorg's Team Make Your Mark. Help me reach my goal! [Include link to your Team Make Your Mark personal fundraising page].
  • I completed the (name of your race/ event/challenge and distance) with @lupusorg's #TeamMakeYourMark to raise awareness for lupus in honor of (connection). Do your part to support the millions of lupus warriors around the world by getting involved in the fight against lupus. Learn more at 
Nathan and mom TMYM
I'm committed to raising awareness for lupus and helping to find a cure. I believe that everyone deserves to live a healthy and fulfilling life and wanted to do my part in this fight.
Team Make Your Mark Athlete, Nathan - Completed the Flying Pig Half Marathon in honor if his lupus warrior, his mom.