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Providing Answers, Support and Hope in Wisconsin

Support LFA, WI Chapter Your Way


Direct Donation

Direct monetary donations support all the work that LFA, WI Chapter does, and allows us to expand the reach and impact of our services. 

Donate directly here 

Indirect Donation

These donations are most often from employee giving and company match programs, and also through donor funds like United Way. The Wisconsin Chapter partners with Creating Healthier Communities to facilitate these donations. If your company has an employee giving program, consider supporting LFA, WI Chapter this way. If your company has a donation matching program, you can magnify the power of your donation with a match from your employer!

Recurring Donation

A recurring donation is easy to set up and makes supporting LFA, WI Chapter easy and automatic. You can set your donation at any amount, and make a huge difference in the lives of Wisconsin's lupus warriors.

Call our office at (414) 443-6400 to set up your recurring donation

Sponsorship & In-Kind Donations

LFA, WI Chapter's events wouldn't be successful - or even possible - without our generous sponsors and donors. Businesses and individuals can show their support for the lupus warriors in their community by sponsoring or donating goods for raffles and auctions, while promoting their services and gaining customers. If you or your business is interested a variety of sponsorship opportunities for events and programming, check out our events calendar and/or email 


LFA, WI Chapter needs volunteers for events, committees, outreach, and other tasks. Our small staff keeps our administrative costs low, but we couldn't fulfill our mission without the dedication and generosity of our volunteers. Click the link below to fill out a volunteer application and learn more about volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer Application

Participate in Events

LFA, WI Chapter has fundraising and awareness events throughout Wisconsin. Keep an eye on our e-newsletter (email to subscribe if you aren't already) and our website events calendar. In addition to the Walk to End Lupus Now events in Milwaukee and Madison, we also have a painting night fundraiser, bowling and golf events, a cash raffle, and more!

Host a Third Party Event

A third party event raises money for - but is not produced by - the benefitting organization. LFA, WI Chapter benefits from large third party events like the Patricia Joiner Memorial Strike Out Lupus event and Spare Me From Lupus (bowling), and Links4Lupus and Drive Out Lupus (golf). They can also be bake sales, proceeds from product sales, employee charity drives, or birthday fundraisers. No event is too big or too small, and all raise lupus awareness and help LFA, WI Chapter work towards its mission.

email if you're interested in third party event information