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Providing Answers, Support and Hope in Georgia


We are part of a national force devoted to solving the cruel mystery of lupus while providing caring support to those who suffer from its brutal impact.   We work with local health professionals and volunteers to provide information and programs to ensure people with lupus and their families get answers and health professionals know about new means to diagnose and manage the disease.

With the help of informed volunteers and committed supporters, we conduct activities to increase awareness of lupus, we rally support for those who are affected by lupus and advocate on their behalf, and we raise money to support research and education programs so everyone affected by lupus can have an improved quality of life. 

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Help Us Solve The Cruel Mystery!

If you join the fight, we will not have to concede victory to this terrible disease.  With your support and involvement, we will be able to solve the cruel mystery of lupus in our lifetime and end its devastating impact on millions of lives.

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A Comprehensive Strategy

Lupus is a complex disease that requires a comprehensive strategy. Our programs and services all have a common purpose: To improve the quality of life for all people affected by lupus.


We raise money to support research through the Lupus Foundation of America’s National Research program, Bringing Down the Barriers™, which aggressively pursues an agenda to find answers to the most difficult questions and advance the science and medicine of lupus.

Education & Support Services

We answer questions about lupus, provide tools, resources, and referrals to doctors who treat lupus, and help guide individuals and families through the complexities of living with lupus and toward a better quality of life.

Awareness Efforts

We conduct outreach efforts and share stories of those who suffer from lupus to increase awareness of lupus, bring greater attention to the disease and its devastating impact, and rally public support to join the fight to end lupus.

Advocacy Efforts

We advocate on behalf of all people with lupus, their families, and the health professionals who care for them. We educate government officials and industry leaders on the urgent need to expand public and private investment in lupus research, education programs, and support services.

Our Programs

This website was created to provide you with the latest information about lupus. Whether you are person with lupus, family member, or a medical professional, this site will provide you with information on the LFA educational programs and other services.

Approximately 55,000 Georgians are living with lupus. We depend greatly on the support of volunteers, physicians, and community partners that donate their time, knowledge and resources to bring public awareness of lupus to the service area of the Georgia Chapter.

Our Reach Across Georgia

Thank You to Our Chapter Sponsors

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Meet Our Board of Directors and Medical Advisory Board

Our Staff

Teri Emond
President and CEO

Consuelo Farley
Special Events Manager

Loydith Valdivia
Office Administrator

Adrienne Allende

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