Providing Answers, Support and Hope in Georgia
Get Involved: Research Opportunities at Emory University
Research Engagement Opportunities
A Message from the Georgians Organized Against Lupus (GOAL) Team
We want you to know of some exciting developments in lupus research from our area. The Division of Rheumatology at Emory University is recognized internationally for research in lupus epidemiology and outcomes. The GOAL Study is one of the centerpieces of the program, focusing on what happens in the "real world" in people who live with lupus. We look forward to continuing to share with you our findings and hearing back as to what is most important to you. After all, GOAL could not exist without your commitment and invaluable information. We also recognize that lupus must be conquered on several fronts, which is why we are so excited to share additional opportunities for those who are looking to be even more involved.
GOAL - Georgians Organized Against Lupus
Georgians Organized Against Lupus (GOAL) is a project lead by the Division of Rheumatology at Emory University. GOAL was started to better understand how lupus may impact patients' lives. Many GOAL participants have helped us to better understand the burden of lupus on important aspects of patients' lives. We are also learning about the challenges that many patients face with accessing healthcare and managing lupus. We need to hear from you to build the wealth of knowledge needed to transform health care and improve health outcomes.
Determinants of health vary on an individual level across many factors which impact daily life. By understanding how lupus has impacted your life, we can better direct further research to improve lupus management and inform policymakers of changes that need to be done.As we continue to build comprehensive data for lupus research, we invite you to share your experience by responding to the GOAL surveys and by donating biospecimens (blood and urine).
Learn More About the GOAL Study.
SOUL - Skin Outcomes Uncovered in Lupus Study
SOUL is a large project led by the Division of Rheumatology at Emory University to better understand the quality of life and other important outcomes in people with some types of skin lupus. SOUL is part of Georgians Organized Against Lupus (GOAL), a project led by the Division of Rheumatology at Emory University.
We will collect vital information to better understand important outcomes among people with skin lupus like you. SOUL will address how skin lupus may impact physical, emotional and social aspects of your health. By learning from patients with skin lupus, we can help to bridge the gaps that still remain in our understanding of these forms of lupus.
Learn More About the SOUL Study
You may also contact info@lupusingeorgia.orgor call 404-778-3037
Be WELL - Black Women's Experiences Living with Lupus
Participate in the Be WELL Study. It is important that African American women who are living with lupus participate to fully represent the community. This will help us better understand the impact of lupus on the lives of African American women. The information we gather will help develop new resources and improve the lives of all people living with lupus.
- No cost to participate.
- Completely confidential.
- Little risk involved.
- Compensation for time and effort.
If you are interested in the study, please call (404) 778-3167 or email To get more information, visit
For more information about about the PULSE Study, please call at 404-251-8832 or email us at
Lupus Nephritis Clinical Trial
We know that may with lupus will have kidney involvement. Through current therapies, including cyclophospamide (Cytoxan) and mycophenolate mofetil (Cellcept), are effective and have given renewed hope to many, there is still a clear need for even more effective and safer therapies for lupus nephritis. If you have a kidney biopsy in the past year and your doctor is considering or you are already on mycophenolate mofetil (Cellcept), you may qualify for an important clinical trial.
Learn More About the Lupus Nephritis Study
Bone Marrow Study
Emory researchers are studying cells in the bone marrow to get a better understanding regarding the development of lupus. The bone marrow is a key component in the body's immune system and is where most of the immune cells develop and learn to do what they do. Studying the bone marrow in those with lupus may give us important information as to why cells react the way they do in lupus.
If you are interested in learning more about this study, please call at 404-712-3940.