Providing Answers, Support and Hope in Georgia
Thirty-One Faces of Hope: Leslie Porter
The lupus community includes people living with lupus, friends, family and supporters across Georgia. For Lupus Awareness Month, we would like to highlight some of our lupus heroes and champions.
Leslie Porter
My name is Leslie Porter. I am a lupus survivor, fighter and advocate and I am so thankful for the opportunity to share my story.
As far back as elementary school, I can remember needing a nap every day after school and sleeping very late on weekends. This continued through high school and even now as an adult, I am challenged with keeping my energy level up. Naps are truly my friend. As a young girl, my mother would do my hair with the mildest chemicals available, but Lord knows my scalp would burn to no end and as time went on, my mother noticed a bald spot that never went away and eventually grew bigger.
Between 2003-2004, I began noticing some significant hair loss. During that same time, I also noticed a mark on my right ear that wouldn’t go away. I thought it was just a burn mark from my hot curlers, but my mother encouraged me to see a doctor. After taking her advice, my dermatologist performed a biopsy from tissue on my ear and the results were positive.
Being diagnosed with discoid lupus in 2005 changed my life forever, and I realize now that my battle began many years ago before I ever heard the word lupus. Imagine that! Not only did I have no idea what lupus was, I also didn't know how it would impact the rest of my life.
I continued to lose my hair, my energy level was low, my joints ached, and I lost interest in the things I enjoyed most. My treatment included daily doses of Plaquenil and steroid treatment during ‘flare-ups’. In 2010, I had my first hip replacement surgery for my right hip resulting from bone deterioration stemming from the effects of lupus and prescribed steroid medication. Three years after that, my left hip replacement surgery was done in 2013. God blessed me with a wonderful orthopedic surgeon and I experienced no complications during or after the procedures. I was up walking and back in my heels sooner than I thought possible.
My family history includes the loss of a cousin in 1988, and an auntie who’s currently living with lupus also. Thankfully, improved testing and earlier diagnoses provide the opportunity for better treatment and survival.
In the last year my rheumatologist confirmed through blood work and on-going physical symptoms that I have systemic lupus erythematosus. My family and friends have been an awesome support system and this realization has given me even more reason to lean on God for my strength and understanding. I am committed to staying in the fight against lupus and working diligently to increase awareness to be the soldier that only God can mold me to be.
Lupus took my hair, my hips and my energy. But, I rejoice mightily about the things lupus has not and will not take from me:
My SPIRIT to live a joyful life.
My THRIVE to survive this cruel mystery.
My HOPE for peace, love and a CURE!
Keep your head up, stay encouraged and be blessed!
-Leslie Porter