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Providing Answers, Support and Hope in Pennsylvania, Delaware and Southern New Jersey

COVID-19 and Lupus

The Lupus Foundation of America, Philadelphia Tri-State Chapter is taking precautions due to the national outbreak of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Stay tuned for updates about Chapter activities and find more resources here.

We know these are challenging times and we are here for you. See additional resources below for your local health department, financial help, and making the best of this tough situation.

From the Lupus Foundation of America National Office

Resources from the National Office

June 15 - The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revoked their Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. Read our statement.

May 15 - The CDC has released advice for people who are at higher risk of serious illness from the coronavirus because they have compromised immune systems. Some people with lupus may have compromised immune systems because of the medications they take to control their disease. Read the CDC guidance here.

May 4 - Using recommendations from the CDC, we put together a list of what you can do to protect yourself when your state starts lifting restrictions.

April 27 - The CDC has updated its information on COVID-19 symptoms to include chills, shaking with chills, muscle pain, headaches, sore throat, and a loss of taste or smell. Read more about what to do if you get sick.

How does the coronavirus affect people living with lupus?

If you have lupus, you’re at higher risk for infections like the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. Some people with lupus may also be at risk for more serious complications from catching the coronavirus.

What the coronavirus means for people with lupus

¿Qué significa el coronavirus para las personas con lupus?

From the Chapter

June 18, 2020 - See updates below to 2020 events at the LFA. All support groups will continue meeting virtually until further notice.

  • Lupus Links Golf Tournament: Still scheduled for Tuesday, July 21- still on for an in-person tournament!
  • Walk to End Lupus Now Delaware: Sunday, August 23
  • Walk to End Lupus Now Central PA: Sunday, August 30
  • SLE Self-Help Course Hershey: September 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30 from 6-8 pm
  • Walk to End Lupus Now South Jersey: Sunday, September 27
  • Living Well with Lupus Seminar Delaware: Saturday, October 3
  • Living Well with Lupus Symposium (Philadelphia): Saturday, October 10
  • Lupus Loop 5K Run and 2.5 Mile Walk to End Lupus Now (Philadelphia): Sunday, October 25
  • Living Well with Lupus Seminar South Jersey: Saturday, November 14

March 12, 2020 - The Lupus Foundation of America, Philadelphia Tri-State Chapter is taking precautions due to the national outbreak of COVID-19 (coronavirus). As of March 12, 2020, our office is working remotely. Should you need to reach us please call 215-517-5070 or email

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has information for people at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19. The Lupus Foundation of America has articles about the coronavirus and lupus. See here for recommendations from the American College of Rheumatology. If you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance in navigating life with lupus, please feel free to email the Chapter office at or call 215-517-5050. Pay close attention to Chapter emails,, and @lupustristate on social media for updates.

All spring walks have been rescheduled. We are following CDC guidelines and will monitor each walk closely. Your Walk page will remain open and you can still play your critical role in helping us end lupus. It is our hope that you will continue to fundraise and spread awareness of lupus in your community by sharing your story along with your fundraising page via email and social media.

Walk to End Lupus Now Delaware: Sunday, August 23
Walk to End Lupus Now Central PA: Sunday, August 30
Walk to End Lupus Now South Jersey: Sunday, September 27
Lupus Loop 5K Run and 2.5 Mile Walk to End Lupus Now: Sunday, October 25

Walk Information

The Living Well with Lupus Seminars have all been modified in some way. We'll continue to monitor the in-person events scheduled for the fall.

Lehigh Valley: Saturday, June 6 (VIRTUAL)
Delaware: Saturday, October 3
Philadelphia: Saturday, October 10
South Jersey: Saturday, November 14

Seminar Information

There will be no in-person support groups until further notice. However, most groups have moved to a virtual format for now. Check out the listing for our support groups for details on how to participate in a support group teleconference or contact your support group leader for additional information.

Support Group Listing

Philadelphia has a number of well-established programs tasked with alleviating food insecurity that have stepped up their efforts to adapt to the additional needs precipitated by this pandemic.

Click here

Volunteers across the country have made more than 10 million masks for healthcare providers. See how you can help!

Note: Fabric DIY face masks should not be the first line of defense for healthcare providers, as a CNN article notes: "The masks are not intended to replace N95 respirators, but the idea is that cloth masks could help those respirators last longer at a time when healthcare workers are being asked to reuse masks."

How to Make a Mask
Relieve Tension & Find Joy

Meditation is an effective way in easing anxiety. Try out the following apps to see what works for you. They offer ways to get rest, get moving, and control your emotions during this time.

Or, livestream a meditation or yoga session with a local trainer.


Use caution when going outside and move away from others on trails.

You can also tour a National Park virtually!


Movement- no matter how big or small- can elevate your mood and make you feel great.

Other Hobbies During Social Distancing

This too shall pass. Adapting to this situation will make it easier to accept. Try to find joy during this challenging time.