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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Updates | Georgia

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Updates

Everything you need to know in one place. Stay updated on all the latest Covid-19 news as it impacts those with lupus from resources, news, and programming. We will be keeping you updated and provide virtual programming to get you through these unprecedented times. You are not alone.

Virtual Town Hall
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NEXT MEETING May 8th - Virtual Town Hall: Living with Lupus and COVID-19 in Our Community

Second Sunday of Each Month

If you have lupus, you’re at higher risk for infections like the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. Some people with lupus may also be at risk for more serious complications from catching the coronavirus.

Join S. Sam Lim, MD, MPH as he provides up to date information on a monthly basis about what we know and don’t know about COVID-19 and how it may impact those living with lupus in Georgia. Watch the February 20th recording on the right.

NEXT MEETING: May 8th at 9PM
Send your questions to

Details and Login Information
COVID-19 Vaccine and Lupus
Latest Information from the LFA

We are following the developments regarding a COVID-19 vaccine very closely. As we learn more we will keep you up to date on what is important for people with lupus.

The vaccine may not be available to most people for until March or April of 2021. Because of the limited supply of the vaccines people at very high risk, such as health care providers and people who live in nursing homes or assisted living facilities, will get the vaccine before people whose risk of illness is lower.


Preparing to Go Back to School During COVID-19
Preparing to Go Back to School During COVID-19

Going back to school for children with lupus and their caregivers can be a difficult transition. The uncertainty of the disease can make it hard to predict what kind of challenges each day will bring for students. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic adds a very significant layer of concern for students and their parents as states and counties decide whether and how they open schools back up. 

Read more

School Decision-Making Tool for Parents, Caregivers, and Guardians

Many parents, caregivers, and guardians face new and difficult choices about how their child will return to school in the fall, such as deciding between in-person and virtual learning.

This tool is designed to help parents, caregivers, and guardians weigh the risks and benefits of available educational options to help them make decisions about sending their child back to school.

Read more

Resources from Town Hall Meetings
Georgia Crisis And Access Line

GCAL is the 24/7 hotline for accessing mental health services in Georgia. The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) provides treatment and support services to people with mental illnesses and addictive diseases, and support to people with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities.

Find more information

Georgia Crisis & Access Line 1-800-715-4225

World Health Organization

The WHO (Health Organization) website has updated resources with information about protecting your self, myth busters, travel advise and Q&A.

Visit the WHO website

CDC Print Resources

Print-only materials are developed to support COVID-19 recommendations. All materials are free for download. They may be printed on a standard office printer, or you may use a commercial printer.

This filtering area contains options for sorting data dynamically for easy discovery. Filtering options include search by text, dropdowns for filtering based on various fields, and various sorting.

CDC Print Resources Website

Myth Busters

Find answers to common misconceptions about the COVID-19 virus. Each answer has a downloadable graphic. For example:

Download and Share Additional Myth Busters

Travel Guidelines from Business Insider

Is travel safe? Business Insider interviewed experts on risks associated with flying, booking hotels or Airbnbs, renting cars, and more, plus ideas on safe vacations during COVID-19.

View the article

Georgia COVID-19 Resources
Georgia Legal Aid or Georgia Legal Services

During the pandemic, the demand for public benefit assistance, housing, unemployment, evictions and domestic violence have increased. Here is a resource that may be helpful.

If you need help unemployment, housing or eviction issues, contact Georgia Legal Aid or Georgia Legal Services at https://www.georgialegalaid.

Applicants for legal assistance can apply online at (available 24/7) or by calling 1-833-GLSPLAW (Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). Applicants with income up to 200% of poverty, $25,520 for one person and $52,400 for four persons are eligible for help. There also is a resource limit.

Daily Updates from the Georgia Department of Public Health

The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) is the state’s official COVID-19 response team.

Georgia DPH Coronavirus (COVID-19) Website

Emory University Risk Assessment Tool

Check your risk for COVID‑19

Based on best clinical practices, CDC guidelines, illness severity and risk factors like age and pre-existing conditions,


Find a COVID-19 Testing Site in Georgia

The Georgia Department of Public Health is maintaining an updated list of COVID-19 testing sites.

Click here to see the list

COVID-19 General Information Factsheet

Click here to download the COVID-19 General Information Factsheet

Contact the COVID-19 Hotline

The State of Georgia has a new COVID-19 hotline. If you believe that you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to the novel coronavirus, please contact your primary care doctor or an urgent care clinic. Please do not show up unannounced at an emergency room or health care facility.

Hotline: (844) 442-2681

Pandemic Resources


Stimulus Package Info:

New Federal Tax Deadline July 15th:

GA State Tax Deadline July 15th: 

Halting federal student loan payments and interest for 60 days:

US Federal Gov’t Unemployment:

Georgia News on Unemployment for Employers & Employees:

Georgia Unemployment Applications:


Mortgage relief news:

No Atlanta Evictions for Next 60 Days:

Just Shelter (List of organizations working hard to preserve affordable housing and prevent eviction):

List of Banks Offering to Help Customers:

Comcast: No disconnects. Free hotspots. Low-income households get 2 months free service

AT&T: No disconnects for 60 days, waiving late payment fees. Unlimited data

Verizon: No disconnects for 60 days, waiving late payment fees

Sprint: No disconnects for 60 days, waiving late payment fees. Unlimited data

T Mobile: No disconnects for 60 days, waiving late payment fees. Unlimited data

Georgia Power: No disconnects

Atlanta Watershed(Suspending all water shut offs during this time):

Geico: Pausing cancellation of policies due to non-payment or policy expiration until April 30th 


Cobb County Food Resources:

Atlanta Community Food Bank:

Atlanta Survival Program: (Free grocery delivery)

Free Meals for Atlanta Public School Students:

Uber Eats: Waiving all delivery fees


The Giving Kitchen: For food service workers needing financial assistance

Bartender Fund:

Creator FundFreelancers/Creators, get up to $500 to help with groceries, medical bills, housing, etc.

Resources for Artists:

Relief Fund for LGBTQI+ BIPOC:


Mental Health Services:

Financial Planning Association: Pro Bono Financial Planning

CVS: Waiving home delivery fees & 30 day refill limit on certain medications 

Atlanta Public Schools Updates:

Old Fourth Distillery: giving away free hand sanitizer during their business hours. Bring your own container and make a donation

Uhaul: 1 free month storage units for students needing to move asap


Scholastic: Free education for Pre-K - grade 6+

Adobe Photoshop: Free for students until May

Adobe Creative Cloud: People with Adobe can get 2 months free  

NASA Media Library:

Peloton Workout App: Free 90 day trial

Free books, movies, software, music, etc:

Free Ivy League courses:

Free Online Museum Tours:

Free National Park Tours:

No Entrance fees to National Parks:

NPR: Free virtual concerts

Paris Opera: Free live performances

Center of Puppetry Arts: Free tours and performances 

Might Could Studiomates: 1 month free trial

Download Free Coloring Books:


Healthcare Coverage and Medication Resources
Medicare to Allow Home Infusions for Benlysta, Other Medications

On March 30, 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced new regulations that will affect people with lupus who are on Medicare and take Benlysta. For the first time, people with lupus on Medicare will be able to receive infusions of Benlysta at home and will not be required to go to a physician’s office or other facility to get their infusions.  The Lupus Foundation of America began advocating for this change earlier in March as the coronavirus spread globally and the federal government and states began instituting social distancing guidelines and limiting travel.  Our goals are to make sure that people with lupus not only have uninterrupted access to their medications, but also to limit their potential exposure to the coronavirus.


New Resource Identified to Access Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil): Honeybee Health

The Lupus Foundation of America has been working to address the shortage of hydroxychloroquine for lupus patients. In addition to advocating for people with lupus to state and federal governments, state boards of pharmacy, and drug manufacturers, we have been working to identify pharmacies that have supplies of hydroxychloroquine that can be accessed by people with lupus. Read more.

Tips for refilling your hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) prescription

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), people who have been prescribed hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and chloroquine (Aralen) to treat their lupus and other autoimmune diseases are experiencing difficulties getting their prescriptions filled. As stories in the news about the potential use of both for the treatment of COVID-19 circulate, supplies may temporarily decrease and become hard to find -- even for those who have taken the medication for years. 


Medicare to Cover Telehealth Costs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, doctors and other health care providers can use telehealth services to treat COVID-19 (and for other medically reasonable purposes) from offices, hospitals, and places of residence (like homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities) as of March 6, 2020. Coinsurance and deductibles apply.

If you have coverage through a Medicare Advantage Plan, you won’t have to pay out-of-pocket costs (called cost-sharing) for COVID-19 tests.


Benlysta Resources

GSK Nurse Call Center

  • Call 877-423-6597
  • Trained nurses are available Monday through Friday, 8 AM- 8 PM ET and can answer questions about products.
  • Note, nurses will direct patients to their physician for any medical advice related to disease, treatment or referrals. 

Additional Patient Inquiries: Contact your provider or pharmacy directly. If additional information is needed, visit GSK For You or contact the GSK Response Center at 888-825-5249 Monday- Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM ET


Health Care Professional Inquiries: Contact GSK Medical Information: or call 877-475-6448 (Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM ET) for medical information. Product-specific information is only available to healthcare providers. 


CVS Caremark Health Resources

"Don't worry - at this time, there are no drug shortages as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) that would affect your ability to fill prescriptions.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Learn more, including how to get a 90-day supply of your maintenance medication delivered to your home at no extra charge."

-CVS Caremark

Order Hydroxychloroquine

Financial Resources and Workplace Accommodation
Governor Kemp submits request to help Georgians with coronavirus medical care (March 28, 2020)

Governor Brian Kemp and the Department of Community Health took steps to help Georgians who are need of medical care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"As we continue fighting COVID-19, these waivers will empower the healthcare community and increase their ability to care for patients by reducing federal regulations. From local health departments to major hospitals, healthcare providers in Georgia are on the front lines of this fight. I am proud to collaborate efforts across state government with the Georgia Hospital Association to let healthcare providers know we stand with them," said Governor Kemp.

According to a press release, the 1135 Medicaid and Medicare waivers are a significant step toward easing administrative burdens on Georgia hospitals and healthcare providers during this public health emergency without compromising quality of care or patient safety.

“The State of Georgia is pleased to be able to submit a section 1135 waiver to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to help mitigate - to the extent we can - consequences of the COVID-19 public health emergency on our healthcare systems. Pending CMS consideration and approval, Georgia’s 1135 waiver is designed to provide a number of flexibilities for Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids® providers and members," said Frank Berry, Commissioner of the Department of Community Health.


Federal Tax Filing Deadline

Tax filing deadline pushed back: In an effort to mitigate the financial fall-out from COVID-19, the U.S. Treasury announced the new tax filing deadline is July 15. 

Georgia Tax and Tag Filing Deadlines Extended

Notice: Department of Revenue Automatically Extending 2019 Filing Deadline

The Georgia Department of Revenue is automatically extending the 2019 income tax filing and payment deadline to July 15, 2020. 

Vehicle registrations that expire between March 16, 2020 and May 14, 2020 are being extended through May 15, 2020.

Coronavirus Tax Relief Information

Accommodation and Compliance: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Even if a direct threat exists, employers must consider whether there might be accommodations to reduce or eliminate the threat. Examples of possible accommodations include telework, temporary reassignment to a job that can be done from home if the current job can’t be done from home, and temporary leave.

Learn more from the Job Accommodation Network.

What you can do to protect yourself when your state starts lifting coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions

Follow these CDC recommendations to protect your health and lower your risk for infection when your local area lifts quarantine restrictions around COVID-19. Read them here.

Changes in Chapter Office Operations and Walks
Georgia Chapter Operations

Georgia Chapter Office

Beginning March 23, 2020 our staff will be working remotely to ensure the health and safety of our team, as well as our communities. It will be business as usual for us. 

We'll continue to monitor the situation in real time to determine when circumstances change. We are so grateful for the flexibility and dedication of our employees, who have already shown their commitment to this temporary model, and to ensuring no disruptions to our mission during this time. 

We will be available via e-mail and will respond to voice mail messages as quickly as possible. You can email us at


Walk to End Lupus Now Events

The Walk to End Lupus Now - Atlanta (TBD)

We encourage you to continue registering and fundraising for the Walks as they are our biggest source of income for our chapter. Together we can make this work!

Register Here!

The Walk to End Lupus Now - Columbus (TBD)

We encourage you to continue registering and fundraising for the Walks as they are our biggest source of income for our chapter. Together we can make this work! 

Register Here!

The Walk to End Lupus Now - Macon - Sept 19 

We encourage you to continue registering and fundraising for the Walks as they are our biggest source of income for our chapter. Together we can make this work! 

Register Here!

Virtual Programs and Events
Weekly Virtual Town Hall with Dr. Sam Lim

If you have lupus, you're at higher risk for infections like the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. Some people with lupus may also be at risk for more serious complications from catching the coronavirus.

Join S. Sam Lim, MD, MPH as he provides up to date information on a weekly basis about what we know and don't know about COVID-19 and how it may impact those living with lupus in Georgia.

Dr. Lim is Professor of Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology at Emory University. He is the Chief of Rheumatology for Grady Health Systems, where he founded and directs the Grady Lupus Clinic.

Please Note: Due to the size of the group, questions must be submitted  by 12 p.m. on the day of the call to

Click here for details and login information.

Watch to Dr. Sam Lim's Town Hall Recordings

Thank you Dr. Sam Lim for your thoughtful and straightforward presentationd! Lot's of great information! Please remember that the Virtual Town Halls will continue every Sunday night for as long as necessary. Click here for details and login information.

Watch the recordings now!

Ask the Experts Teleconferences

Ask the Experts is a series of monthly educational teleconferences designed to provide you with important information about living with lupus and better managing your symptoms. Live teleconferences last one hour and are accessible through a toll-free phone number.

All registered participants will receive call-in/log-in information before the event along with any support materials.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn from some of the world's leading lupus experts from the comfort and privacy of your home. Participate in several or just the one that most interests you.



Listen to Previous Teleconfernce Recordings

Previous Ask the Expert teleconference topics include Lupus and the Immune System, Lupus and Intimacy, Lupus and Your Heart and much more.

Listen to previous recordings.

Support Groups

The well being of our patients is our highest priority. Due to COVID-19 and in accordance with CDC guidelines, all support will be held via teleconference until further notice.

New Telephonic Support Group

The telephonic support group is available via a toll-free conference call, held on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 7:00-8:00 pm.

Register to receive call-in information and an email reminder. Be sure to read the confidentiality rules below before registering. Feel free to reach out to with any questions, or call our office at 770-333-5930.


Latest COVID-19 and Lupus News
FDA Issues Emergency Authorization of Hydroxychloroquine Amid Coronavirus Pandemic (March 30, 2020)

Late yesterday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to allow hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for coronavirus COVID-19 treatment.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said in a statement that the authorization would allow for 30 million doses of hydroxychloroquine donated by Sandoz, the Novartis generics and biosimilars division, and one million doses of chloroquine donated by Bayer Pharmaceuticals to be donated to the HHS’ Strategic National Stockpile (SNS).

The donated doses of hydroxychloroquine will be “distributed and prescribed by doctors to hospitalized teen and adult patients with COVID-19, as appropriate, when a clinical trial is not available or feasible,” said HHS in its statement.

The FDA’s authorization does not mean hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are specifically approved as safe and effective for use for COVID-19, but instead that they are available for use for COVID-19.

Moreover, the HHS said that “use of the donated medications is expected to help ease supply pressures for the drug, and the FDA is also working with manufacturers of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to increase production to ensure these drugs also remain available for patients dependent on them for treatment of malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.”

While it is encouraging for the lupus community that the HHS’ statement indicates that it will help ensure people with lupus have access to these medications, it is still unknown at this point as to exactly how the medications will get distributed and the overall impact of availability of the drugs for those who need the drugs now.  

The Lupus Foundation of America has been talking with key stakeholders and companies involved in the drug supply chain, including state boards of pharmacy, federal government and agencies, and other important stakeholders – and our voices are clearly being heard. The actions from the FDA and HHS are certainly a step in the right direction, but our work is far from over.  

State Pharmacy Boards Urged to Ensure Availability of Critical Lupus Medicines

The Lupus Foundation of America in partnership with the Arthritis Foundation are urging state pharmacy boards and other important stakeholders involved with the drug supply chain to take immediate action to ensure the availability of hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and chloroquine (Aralen) for people with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Read the letter.

TAKE ACTION: Access to Hydroxychloroquine for People with Lupus

Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and chloroquine (Aralen) are medications that tens of thousands of people living with lupus rely on to manage their symptoms and avoid disability, illness and early death. Both are being studied as potential treatments for the coronavirus (COVID-19) and trials are underway to determine their safety and effectiveness. While it is important to investigate their potential use for this purpose, it is critical that people with lupus never lose access to them.

Take Action Now!

People with lupus nationwide already are unable to fill their prescriptions. We need to act now! Please, take one minute and contact your members of Congress now to ensure people with lupus can access the medications they need.

Corona Virus Updates

The CDC has recommended that people with serious underlying health conditions stay home and avoid other people as much as possible through March 30, 2020. Lupus is a serious underlying health condition that could lead to a compromised immune system. Read more.

Navigating You Health During the COVI-19 Pandemic

The most up-to-date health information on the coronavirus outbreak for people with lupus. Here, you'll find the most recent news; the steps that the Lupus Foundation of America is taking to protect the health and medication availability for people with lupus; and resources that will help you stay both mentally and physically healthy during this uncertain time.

Latest Updates

What the Coronavirus Means for People with Lupus (February 28th)

As the news moves quickly, make sure you're getting most current information.

I recent weeks, a new type of virus widely known as the coronavirus (sometimes called COVID-19) has been spreading around the world. There have been a number of stories in the news of people getting sick from this new virus.

Given that people with lupus are at higher risk for a number of types of infections, including viruses, it is only natural to be concerned about the coronavirus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely watching the coronavirus both internationally and here in the U.S. The risk of catching the coronavirus in the U.S. is very low.

It is important, however, for you to look after your health and keep your risk of infection low. The best way to do this is to take the same steps that you would to avoid other types of viruses like colds and the flu:

  • Avoid anyone—including family members—with symptoms of fever (over 100ºF), nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Specifically, you should avoid close, personal contact, such as hugging, kissing, and shaking hands.
  • Wash your hands (tops, palms, and fingers) frequently with hot, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Keep and use alcohol-based gel or wipes, both out in public and at home. Remember that surfaces—especially in bathrooms, on shared office equipment, on store counter tops, gas pump handles, any surface of the car, and in restaurants—can expose you to germs.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs spread this way.
  • Use the crook of your arm to shield coughs and sneezing. Do not use your hands or handkerchiefs as they carry moisture that spread viruses.
  • Stay home from work or school if you are sick.
  • Please remember that you should never stop taking medications used to treat your lupus without first consulting with your doctor.

Call your doctor right away if you develop a fever, cough, or shortness of breath.

Finding Joy Every Day
Enjoy a Virtual Game Night

Have a virtual game night with up to eight people with Houseparty!

Start a Book Club

You can use Google Duo to video chat via web and phone with up to 12 people! Choose a book from THIS LIST and start your club!

Host a Virtual Movie Night

Netflix Party is a gathering of a groups of friends or family where you can get together virtually and watch your favorite Netflix titles on your computers at the same time. Grab your popcorn and enjoy movie night! The extension also comes with a chat room, so you can share your reactions to the programs as you watch.

33 National Park Tours You Can Explore Virtually

Here are 33 National Park Tours you can take virtually from your home. 

Get in the Right Headspace with Meditation

With masses of people stuck at home amid coronavirus, the popular meditation and mindfulness app, Headspace, is offering free content to help manage stress and anxiety. 

Stream the Northern Lights From Home

Live cam located underneath the aurora oval at the Churchill Northern Studies Center in Churchill, Manitoba. Other live streams are available on their website  

See them here. 

A Low Impact Exercise Routine for Lupus

If pain or fatigue-or both- have you struggling just to get through the day, working out is likely the last thing on your mind. But exercise, especially gentle strength training, can improve some lupus symptoms. Read more here. 

54 Free Online Courses from the Best Colleges in the US

Online learning sites like Coursera and edX are offering free and low-priced courses taught by instructors from the best universities in the country. Learn more about them here.

Shopping Safely
Restaurant Food Delivery

Delivery companies like DoorDash, GrubHub, Postmates and UberEats are offering no-contact delivery to your home from your favorite restaurants. Some are even offering free delivery.

Stores Offering Special Hours for Most At-Risk

Some stores like Target (each Wednesday they have reserved the first hour of shopping to support vulnerable guests including the elderly and guests with underlying health conditions) are offering special shopping hours for elderly and those at-risk like lupus patients. Check out stores near you and their policies. 

Drugstores Offer Safe Services

Stores such as Walgreens and CVS are offering new services to help minimize your exposure to risks such as Rx delivery, drive-thru shopping, and social distancing support including pharmacy/video chat. 

Virtual Play Dates
Have an Astronaut in Space Read Your Children a Book

Story Time from Space - While in space, astronauts are videotaping themselves reading these books to the children of Earth.

At-Home Learning Resources to Keep Kids Learning

Even when schools are closed, you can keep the learning going with these links for reading, math, and educational games. 

Scholastics Learn At Home




20 Screen-Free Things to Do When School is Closed

Staying indoors to keep safe and healthy is imperative but it doesn’t have to be boring or detrimental. After your children have finished with their e-learning tasks, click here to see what you could do with them.

Noticias Actualizadas Sobre el Lupus y Coronavirus
Recursos Acualizados de COVID-19

Oficina del Capítulo del Estado de Georgia

A partir del 23 de marzo de 2020, el personal de esta oficina trabajará fuera de nuestra cede para garantizar la salud y la seguridad de nuestro equipo, así como de nuestra comunidad. En caso de experimentar posibles retrasos, le pedimos sea paciente con nuestro personal ya que se hará todo lo posible por atender su petición. Continuaremos monitoreando la situación en tiempo real para determinar el cambio de las circunstancias. Estamos muy agradecidos por la flexibilidad y dedicación de nuestro personal, que ya ha demostrado su compromiso con este modelo temporal, garantizando que no se interrumpa nuestra misión durante este tiempo. Estaremos disponibles por correo electrónico y responderemos a los mensajes de correo de voz lo más rápido posible. Puede enviarnos un correo electrónico a

Haga clic aquí para ver algunos de nuestros recursos en español.

Preguntas frecuentes: coronavirus (COVID-19) y lupus

Lea algunas de las preguntas mas frecuentes del coronavirus y lupus. 

Pasos para ayudar a las personas con lupus prevenir el coronavirus (COVID-19)

Le instamos a que siga estas recomendaciones de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) para proteger su salud y reducir su riesgo de infección. Lea mas aqui.

Consejos sobre cómo rellenar su receta de hidroxicloroquina (Plaquenil)

Aquí hay algunos consejos sobre qué hacer si usted tiene una receta para la hidroxicloroquina o cloroquina. 

El Lupus y Coronavirus

Encuentre toda la informacion y noticias actualizadas sobre el coronavirus y el lupus incluso las preguntas y respuestas sobre la Hidroxicloroquina (Plaquenil) y el Coronavirus (COVID-19) :

Que Significa el Coronavirus Para Las Personas Con Lupus

Lea algunos consejos de la Fundacion Americana de Lupus Lupus  sobre cómo las personas con lupus pueden mantenerse sanos en medio de las preocupaciones sobre el coronavirus.

Preguntas y respuestas sobre la Hidroxicloroquina y el Coronavirus

Esto es parte de nuestra cobertura continua del coronavirus y cómo afecta a quienes viven con lupus. Lea mas aqui.

El Coronavirus, el Estrés y la Salud Mental

Lea mas informacion sobre como manejar el estres y la salud mental en estos tiempos de incertidumbre.