Get Involved in Research | Texas Gulf Coast
Lupus researchers have scientific expertise, but they don’t have the knowledge that comes from being a person with lupus. People with lupus are experts on their disease and its impact on daily life. Their awareness and insight can help researchers ask the right questions and design the best treatments.
People with lupus are the strongest weapon in the fight against lupus.
Scientists are studying more new treatments than ever. But the voices of people with lupus and their caregivers are essential for research to be meaningful and successful. If you are interested in taking part in research, there are several ways to get involved.
Participate in a study, such as a clinical trial, where treatments are analyzed to find out if they are safe and effective.
RAY: Research Accelerated by You is a lupus data platform where people with lupus and caregivers provide information about their lupus experience. Help brighten the future of lupus research.
PARTNERS brings together children, their families, and health care organizations to improve health care and advance medical knowledge in the field of childhood rheumatology.
If you have lupus, you can volunteer to take part in research that will improve the lives of people with lupus today and the health of future generations.
Learn about research on different aspects of lupus, including lupus skin disease (cutaneous lupus) and lupus kidney disease (lupus nephritis).
You can take part in online studies conducted by individual researchers, such as surveys, to help researchers better understand the experiences of people with lupus.