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Caring for my loved one with lupus while caring about myself
Being the best, healthiest you by caring for yourself can mean you are better able to provide support and care for your family member with lupus. There are many simple and manageable strategies you can use to prevent yourself from becoming overwhelmed, and to help take care of your body, mind, and spirit.
As a caregiver you may tend to push your own health aside to focus on your loved one with lupus. It is important for you not to give so much of yourself that you “burn out.”
Experts often refer to burnout in terms of neglecting one’s own self-care. This can present itself through a burst of frustration, overwhelming feelings of stress, or even negative health outcomes.
Sit down to meals and have a well-rounded diet. While not always easy, making a conscious effort to plan meals ahead and keep nutrient-rich foods available can make a difference in your nutrition. A tip to keep in mind is to ask your friends or family to prepare healthy meals for you during especially stressful days.
Remember to schedule your yearly wellness visits, and do not neglect symptoms of sickness throughout the year. Being germ-free and healthy will also mean that your family member with lupus will be in a healthy environment.
Set aside time every day to engage in something that brings you joy. This will also help to combat stress. Take up a hobby or breathe in some fresh air. When it is difficult for your loved one to get out of the house due to a flare you and your family member can cook, watch a movie, or play board games.
Regular exercise is not only good for your body, but it also improves your emotional health and well-being. Just ten minutes of moderate exercise can improve your mood and re-energize you. Take a brisk stroll around the neighborhood, go for a short bike ride, or attend a yoga class.
You should aim for at least seven hours of quality and consistent sleep. You need time to recharge after each day.