How to help: A communication tool
Help can come in many different shapes and forms. Finding the support that you need, or supporting someone you care about is not just about how much help is offered. The type of help offered is just as important. “How to Help,” is a support tool to guide and increase communication between people with lupus and their caregivers.
Use this tool to help you get and give the best support possible when living with lupus.
This worksheet can be filled out together or separately. Use this tool however is most convenient for you and then set aside a quiet time to sit together and compare notes.
Más como este
desde el Centro Nacional de Recursos sobre el Lupus
¿Fue útil este recurso?
¿Necesita hablar con alguien?
Nuestros especialistas en educación de la salud están siempre disponibles para responder a sus preguntas y darle la ayuda que necesita.